The following is the changelog of Vinari OS 3.0.0 ARGON.
Current build: 0405250-2. ISO build date: May 4th 2023.
- Debian base is BULLSEYE 11.7 now.
- The Linux kernel has been updated to version 5.10.0-22.
- Firefox has been updated to version 112.0.2.
- Drawing has been updated to version 0.6.4.
- DOSBox has been removed.
- Thunderbird has been replaced with Geary 3.38.1.
- LibreOffice has been updated to version
- Viewnior 1.6 has been replaced with EOG 3.38.2.
- Ruby has been updated to version 2.7.4.
- Python 2 has been removed.
- Python 3 has been updated to version 3.9.2.
- GCC has been updated to version 10.2.1.
- Dos2Unix has been updated to version 7.4.1.
- Bleachbit has been updated to version 4.4.2.
- Geany has been updated to version 1.37.1.
- vinari-os-cli-coreutils has been updated to version 3.0.7
- PowerDown – Vinari Software has updated to version 1.1.3-GTK.
- Integrity Check – Vinari Software has updated to version 1.1.4-GTK.
- Vinari OS Tweaks – Vinari Software has been updated to version 1.3.0-GTK.
- Lanciatore - Vinari Software has been installed. Version 0.1.2-GTK
- Lollypop has been updated to version 1.4.24
- Budgie 10.4 has been replaced with GNOME 3.38
- ePSXe has been removed.
- GNOME Mahjongg has been replaced with GNOME Chess.
- Emacs 27.1 has been installed.
- CURL 7.74 has been installed.
- vinari-bashrc-check has been installed (Checks if there is a .bashrc file in the home folder) (Console).
- vinari-clear has been installed (Removes useless files from certain directories) (Console).
- vinari-createinstallerdrive has been updated (Creates a bootable USB of any version of Vinari OS or any ISO file) (Console).
- vinari-create-launcher has been deprecated in favor of Lanciatore.
- vinari-fix-exFAT has been deprecated.
- vinari-efi-manager has been installed (Allows to list, remove or set the next boot for UEFI entries) (Console).
- vinari-fix-gnome-software has been installed (Reconfigures the package GNOME Software if it is malfunctioning) (Console).
- vinari-get-pc-details has been installed (Gets every single kind of detail about your computer and about the OS itself) (Console).
- vinari-hash has been installed (Gets the SHA1, SHA256 or MD5 of any file) (Console).
- vinari-list-kernels has been installed (Makes a readable list with all the Linux kernel images and Linux headers and also lets you see the one that is currently used) (Console).
- vinari-list-packages has been installed (Makes a readable list with the packages specified, and can export or import it) (Console).
- vinari-os-about has been installed (Shows basic system info, including the date the OS was installed.) (Console).
- vinari-password-generator has been installed (Creates a randomized password within a given length.) (Console).
- vinari-read has been installed (Reads, and/or counts the lines of any file and outputs the contents via stdout) (Console).
- vinari-trash-fixer has been installed (Allows you to fix the trash file system if it gets damaged by anything) (Console).
- vinari-os-argon-gtk-theme has been updated to version 3.2.3. GTK theme is now Colloid, replacing Fluent theme.
- vinari-os-argon-gtk-theme has been updated to version 3.2.3. Shell theme is the Colloid Dracula, replacing Dracula theme.
- vinari-os-argon-icon-theme has been updated to version 3.1.0. Icon theme is the Flat Remix ICON theme.
- For a more complete changelog of the Debian 11 base, please refer to: this link and this link.