Vinari OS privacy policy

Vinari OS is a project developed with the one goal in mind; make GNU/Linux a friendly, intuitive and easy to use desktop operating system, it is because of this that the Vinari OS developers do not and will not want to make money with any activity related to development, maintenance or support of the OS.

Any person, any group, or any organization that wishes to download and use Vinari OS can do it freely without the need to register somewhere, or identify in any form. For the developers it is extremely important that the OS is available in websites that allow anyone to freely download the necessary files, so that we can accomplish what is described in this document.

In this website there are some documents that collect data, however, the data collected is only name and email address. Said data can and will be deleted after a certain amount of time (5 years) to free space in the databases. Also, you can contact the developers and ask for an immediate deletion of your personal data any time you wish. (This process could take up to one week)

Previously mentioned data will not be shared nor reviewed by anyone involved in the project after it's been received. This data will only be used for email advertisements or news about Vinari OS, and for technical support by email for anybody that wants to make use of this service.

The software written by VINARI SOFTWARE, and included in Vinari OS does not and will not collect any personal data about the user, region, screen-time, etc. However, it might and will collect data about the computer for it’s immediate usage; once the execution finishes all the collected data will be destroyed (This data only exists on your local computer). No data will be sent outside your network, and no data will be shared with VINARI SOFTWARE.

Vinari OS and the VINARI SOFTWARE applications are free software, released under the BSD-3 license, and most of it’s source code can be found in VINARI SOFTWARE's GitLab, this is made with the goal of simpler code and version management, and also to promote the collaboration from the FOSS community towards Vinari OS/VINARI SOFTWARE.
Thanks to Git’s nature, any contribution of code or assets will require a full name and an email address, and current location. This data will not be managed nor stored by VINARI SOFTWARE, it will be managed and stored by GitLab, and we invite you to read GitLab's privacy policy.

By default Vinari OS ships with 'popcon' switched off; the user can chose to contribute to Debian's research by switching it on, however, the user must be aware that this service tracks all the packages installed on the computer, and reports it to Debian, so that the Debian team can create accurate statistics about what packages are being widely used, and what packages are not. Debian states that their team is not trying to map the information to any user, however, some personal information may leak thanks to the user's IP address, nevertheless, this information is only available to the 'popcon' developers, not even VINARI SOFTWARE, and all of the personal data is deleted before the entire Debian community can see the final statistics report.

VINARI SOFTWARE stores all the Vinari OS downloadable assets in SourceForge, and this service provides weekly statistics about downloads, in this information, your location and operating system will be stored, since this has proven to be very important information for the development of this project, and we invite you to read SourceForge's privacy policy.

Vinari OS is an operating system that compiles dozens of applications, and it is also built on top of Debian Stable, using the Linux kernel and the GNU core utilities that is why we invite you to read Debian's privacy policy. Also, we urge you to read the privacy policy of each application that you use in your daily basis, so that you are aware of how your data is being managed.

Vinari OS

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Copyright © 2017 - 2025 Vinari OS, Vinari Software, their names and logos are property of the Vinari Software Foundation.
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All the images and logos used in this site are property of their respective owners.