The following is the changelog of Vinari OS 4.0.0 HELIUM.
Current build: Miki-1509220-1. ISO build date: September 15th 2024.
- Debian base is BOOKWORM 12.7 now.
- The Linux kernel has been updated to version 6.1.0-25.
- Wayland is now the default GNOME session (X11 is still available in GDM).
- The "libwayland-client0" package has been installed (Version 1.21.0-1).
- The "libwayland-server0" package has been installed (Version 1.21.0-1).
- PipeWire is the default audio server (Only in GNOME session).
- The "pipewire" package has been installed (Version 0.3.65-3).
- The "pipewire-alsa" package has been installed (Version 0.3.65-3).
- The "pipewire-pulse" package has been installed (Version 0.3.65-3).
- The "pipewire-jack" package has been installed (Version 0.3.65-3).
- The "wireplumber" package has been installed (Version 0.4.13-1).
- The GNOME desktop environment has been updated to version 43.9
- vinari-os-cli-coreutils has been updated to version 4.0.11.
- Firefox has been updated to version 130.0.
- Drawing has been updated to version 1.0.2.
- Geary has been updated to version 43.0.1.
- LibreOffice has been updated to version
- Eye of GNOME has been updated to version 43.2.
- Ruby has been updated to version 3.1.2.
- Python 2 has been fully removed from the base system.
- Python 3 has been updated to version 3.11.2.
- GCC has been updated to version 12.2.0-14.
- Dos2Unix has been updated to version 7.4.3.
- JPEGOptim has been installed on version 1.4.7.
- Bleachbit has been updated to version 4.6.0.
- Geany has been updated to version 1.38.
- PowerDown – Vinari Software has updated to version 1.2.2-GTK4.
- Integrity Check – Vinari Software has updated to version 1.2.2-GTK4.
- Vinari OS Tweaks – Vinari Software has been updated to version 2.0.3-HELIUM.
- Lanciatore - Vinari Software has been updated to version 1.1.1-GTK4.
- Lollypop has been updated to version 1.4.37.
- Totem has been updated to version 43.0
- GNOME Shell extension: Coverflow Alt-Tab has been updated to version 61.
- GNOME Shell extension: Dash to Dock has been updated to version 84.
- GNOME Shell extension: Desktop Icons NG (DING) has been updated to version 63.
- GNOME Shell extension: GSConnect has been installed (Version 54)
- GNOME Shell extension: Overview Background has been updated to version 15.
- GNOME Shell extension: Caffeine has been installed (Version 44).
- GNOME Shell extension: Tray Icons: Reloaded has been updated to version 26.
- GNOME Chess has been updated to version 43.1.
- GNU Emacs has been updated to version 29.4.
- CURL has been updated to version 7.88.1.
- "vinari-bashrc-check" has been updated to improve security (Checks if there is a .bashrc file in the home folder) (CLI).
- "vinari-clear" has been updated to improve Debian support (Removes useless files from certain directories) (CLI).
- "vinari-createinstallerdrive" now supports external images by using the '-i' flag (Creates a bootable USB of any version of Vinari OS or any ISO file) (CLI).
- "vinari-efi-manager" can modify the boot at the next startup (Allows to list, remove or set the next boot for UEFI entries) (CLI).
- "vinari-fix-gnome-software" has been updated to improve GNOME 43 comptability (Reconfigures the package GNOME Software if it is malfunctioning) (CLI).
- "vinari-get-pc-details" has been re-written to get more useful information (Gets every single kind of detail about your computer and about the OS itself) (CLI).
- "vinari-hash" has been updated to support MD5, SHA1, SHA256 & SHA512 (Gets the hash of any given file) (CLI).
- "vinari-list-kernels" Only lists the Linux images and headers now (Makes a readable list with all the Linux images and Linux headers and also lets you see the one that is currently used) (CLI).
- "vinari-list-packages" has been updated to remove unnecessary dependencies (Makes a readable list with the packages specified, and can export or import it) (CLI).
- "nvidia-detect" has been installed (Shows the recommended Nvidia driver to install if the computer uses an Nvidia GPU) (CLI & GUI)
- "vinari-os-about" has not recieved any big changes (Shows basic system info, including the date the OS was installed.) (CLI).
- "vinari-password-generator" has been updated to generate even more random passwords (Creates a randomized password within a given length.) (CLI).
- "vinari-read" has not recieved any big changes (Reads, and/or counts the lines of any file and outputs the contents via stdout) (CLI).
- "vinari-trash-fixer" has been updated to improve security (Allows you to fix the trash file system if it gets damaged by anything) (CLI).
- The "vinari-os-helium-gtk-theme" package has been updated to version 4.0.4. To include orange accents in GTK.
- The "vinari-os-helium-gtk-theme" package has been updated to version 4.0.4. To include orange accents in GNOME Shell.
- The "vinari-os-helium-icon-theme" package has been updated to version 4.0.1. To include orange icons.
- The "vinari-os-branding" package has been updated to version 2.0.
- The "vinari-os-helium-backgrounds" package has been installed (Version 1.0.0).
- The external search providers for GNOME are still disabled to improve performance.
- Enabled fractional scaling by default in Mutter (Experimental feature).
- In Wayland all new windows will show up in the center of the screen.
- For a more complete changelog of the Debian 12 base, please refer to: this link and this link.